On-going PhD theses

Adriana Maria da Silva Vieira
Joint Models for Survival and Longitudinal Data in Health Sciences
Supervisor: Inês Sousa (UM)
Fellowship: PD/BD/128191/2016

Ana Catarina Lopes Carvalho Sousa
Proof Search in Natural Deduction
Supervisor: José Carlos Espírito Santo (UM)
Fellowship: UI/BD/11418/2022

Ana Margarida Jesus Ferreira
Incremental Temporal Interval Mining Methodologies
Supervisors: Sofia Castro Gothen (UP) and Isabel Labouriau (UP)
Fellowship: PD/BD/150534/2019

Ana Micaela Gomes Batista
Attractiveness of Cycles in AC-Networks
Supervisor: João Gama (UP) and Ricardo Sousa (LIAAD)

Angelos Bampounis
Matchgate circuits with magic resources for universal quantum computation
Supervisor: Pedro Patrício (UM), Rui Soares Barbosa (INL), Nadish de Silva (CA)
Fellowship: SRFH/BD/151310/2021

Artur Diogo Ribeirinha de Freitas Gonçalves 
Hyper Modelling for Classification and Reinforcement Learning Tasks in Manufacturing Systems: a Zero-Shot Learning Approach
Supervisors: Gil Manuel Gonçalves (UP) and João Pedro Correia dos Reis (UP)

Catarina Justino Faustino
Topology of Higher-Dimensional Automata
Supervisor: Thomas Kahl (UM)
Fellowship: UI/BD/152071/2021

Daniela de Jesus Pereira da Silva
Spatial and Temporal Modelling in Fisheries and Environmental Sciences
Supervisors: Raquel Mota Leite (UM) e Susana Garrido (IPMA)
Fellowship: PD/BD/150535/2019

Daniela Macedo Correia
Modelação Semi-Paramétrica de Dados de Consumo Alimentar com Medidas Repetidas
Supervisors: Óscar Felgueiras (UP) and Milton Barros da Silva (UP)

Daniela Maria da Silva Tavares
Remote Extraction of Vital Signs
Supervisors: Miguel Velhota Correia (UP) and Ana Paula Rocha (UP)

Diana Isabel Cardoso Rocha
Estimação Bayesiana em Sistemas Dinâmicos para a Criação de Trajetórias individuais de pacientes com VIH
Supervisors: Sónia Gouveia (UA), Carla Pinto (IPP) and Manuel Scotto (UL)
Fellowship: SFRH/BD/107889/2015

Eduardo Miguel Lage Dixo Sousa
Solving Sparse-Reward Problems in Robot Manipulation Tasks using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Supervisors: Jaime Cardoso (UP) and António Pedro Aguiar (UP)

Elsa Pombo Soares
Machine Learning Methods for Longitudinal Data Prediction
Supervisor: Inês Sousa (UM)
Fellowship: UI/BD/154394/2023

Faustino António Maciala
On generalized inverses of graph matrices
Pedro Patrício (UM) and Cláudia Mendes Araújo (UM)
Fellowship: UMINHO/BID/2024/14

Fernanda Catarina Cardoso Pereira
Development of Time Series Forecasting Models: a contribution in the context of dynamic modeling
Supervisors: Arminda Gonçalves (UM) and Marco Costa (UA)
Fellowship: UI/BD/150967/2021

Francisco Stefano Sobrito de Almeida
Deep learning for the magnetic dynamo
Supervisors: Roman Chertovskikh (UP) and Sílvio Gama (UP)
Fellowship: tea

Franco Anibal Golfieri Madriaga
Study of some Diophantine equations
Supervisor: Ariel Martín Pacetti (UA)
Fellowship: UI/BD/152573/2022

Gabriel Simões Cardoso
Multiperfect numbers in unique factorization domains
Supervisors: Paulo Almeida (UA) and António Machiavelo (UP)
Fellowship: PD/BD/150533/2019

Gabriel Chicale Cossa
Time Series Clustering and Forecasting Applied to Environmental Data
Supervisors: Marco Costa (UA) and Arminda Gonçalves (UM)
Fellowship: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Ref. 255221

Gil Miguel Marques
Uncovering Partial Differential Equations Using a Data-driven Approach
Supervisors: Sílvio Gama (UP) and Marco Martins Afonso (UP)
Fellowship: PD/BD/150537/2019

Hélder Armando Gonçalves Pinto
High-order Dynamical Interactions in Complex Network Systems: information-theoretic and parametric modeling approaches
Supervisors: Ana Paula Rocha (UP) and Lucas Faes (University of Palermo)
Fellowship: tba

Huu Thien Nguyen
Motion Planning and Control for Variable-Geometry UAV Operation in a Cluttered Environment
Supervisors: Fernando Fontes (UP) and Ionela Prodan (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France)
Fellowship: FCT 2020.07959.BD

Jhonathan David Barrios Martínez
Developing Novel Techniques for Gait Dynamics Analysis using Topological Data Analysis and Neural Networks
Supervisors: Flora Ferreira (UM), Wolfram Erlhagen (UM), Miguel Gago (Hospital NSO, Guimarães, and and School of Medicine, UM)
Fellowship: 2023.02242.BDANA

João Filipe Costa Freitas
Time Series Forecasting Using a Game Theoretical Decision Model with Estimators Obtained by Machine Learning Techniques
Supervisors: Alberto Pinto (UP), Óscar Felgueiras (UP) and João Gama (UP)

Jorge Vaz Ramos Rodrigues de Cabral
Modelling and Feature Selection in Health Big Data
Supervisors: Vera Afreixo (UA) and Pedro Macedo (UA)
Fellowship: UI/BD/152575/2022

Juan Enrique Fernández Díaz
Multiple Orthogonality and Markov Chains
Supervisors: Ana Foulquié (UA) and Manuel Mañas (Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Fellowship: UI/BD/152576/2022

Laid Boudjellal
Mathematical modelling and analysis of biological and environmental systems
Supervisors: Ana Jacinta Soares (UM) and Maria Joana Torres (UM)
Fellowship: UMINHO/BID/2021/116

Lucas De Stefano Meira Henriques
Dynamic Energy Tariff Models Using Smart Meter Data
Supervisors: Cecília Castro (UM) and Felipe Prata (Instituto Federal de Alagoas, Brazil)

Manisha Jain
Dynamic fuzzy logics for quantum programs: Foundations and applications
Supervisors: Alexandre Madeira (UA), Luis Soares Barbosa (UM) and Alexandru Baltag (University of Amsterdam)

Márcia Lemos da Silva
Mathematical Modelling and Control on Time Scales and its Applications
Supervisors: Delfim Torres (UA) and Sandra Cristina Vaz (UBI)
Fellowship: UI/BD/154853/2023

Maria de Fátima Cruz Tavares
Optimality Conditions for Variational Problems Involving Distributed Order Fractional Derivatives
Supervisors: Natália Martins (UA) and Ricardo Almeida (UA)

Maria Hermínia  Esteves de Carvalho
Searching for Symbolic Patterns in Attributed Networks
Supervisors: Paula Brito (UP) and Sónia Dias (IPVC)

Maria Zita Fiqueli de Abreu
Constructions of Optimal Convolutional Codes
Supervisors: Raquel Pinto (UA) and Rita Simões (UA)
Fellowship: UI/BD/151186/2021​

Nilton Osvaldo Benvindo Ávidon
Sistemas Estocásticos Hipoelípticos: estimação de parâmetros e de estado
Supervisor: Paula Milheiro (UP)

Paulo Jorge da Silva Barbosa
Novel Methods for Learning the Neural Connectivity in Dynamic Neural Fields with Applications in the Design of Intelligent Systems
Supervisors: Wolfram Erlhagen (UM) and Flora Ferreira (UM)
Fellowship: UI/BD/153737/2022

Paulo Tomás da Silva Tavares Monteiro
On Some Conjectures About Ideal Matrices
Supervisors: Tatiana Tchemisova (UA) and João Soares (UC)

Rafael Cizeski Nitchai
About Probabilistic Consensus Protocols on Distributed Ledger Technologies
Supervisors: Seguei Popov (UP) and Jorge Freitas (UP)
Fellowship: UI/BD/150863/2021

Ricardo José dos Santos Reis Pinto da Silva
Making Sense of Partial Observations of Big Data in Adaptive Supervisory Control Structures: an Application in Smart Factories
Supervisor: Gil Manuel Gonçalves (UP)
Fellowship: NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000061, P2020|Norte2020 – PDMA

Rui Miguel da Cunha Nunes 
Functional Density Symbolic Data Analysis
Supervisors: Paula Brito (UP) and Sónia Dias (IPVC)

Salah Chaib
Left-invariant metrics on Lie groups: completeness, isometries, and dynamics
Supervisors: Ana Cristina Ferreira (UM) and Abdelghani Zeghib, ENS Lyon, France)
Fellowship: UI/BD/154255/2022

Tarikul Islam 
Mathematical Modeling of Nanofluid: A Comprehensive Numerical Study
Supervisors: Sílvio Gama (UP) and Marco Martins Afonso (UP)
Fellowship: UI/BD/153761/2022